Located in the southwestern region of India, Kerala is a state known for its lush green forests, abundant wildlife, and diverse ecosystems. With its unique blend of coastal, wetland, and forest habitats, Kerala is home to an impressive range of flora and fauna, including a variety of amphibians. From colorful tree frogs to giant toads, the amphibians of Kerala are both fascinating and diverse.
One of the most striking features of Kerala's amphibians is their incredible adaptability. With their ability to survive in a range of environments, from fast-moving streams to urban gardens, these creatures have managed to carve out a niche for themselves in the state's varied landscapes. Whether you're exploring the forests of the Western Ghats or the rice paddies of the countryside, you're sure to come across some of these remarkable creatures.
Despite their importance to the state's biodiversity, many of Kerala's amphibian species are threatened by habitat loss, pollution, and climate change. As such, it's more important than ever to raise awareness about the vital role that these creatures play in maintaining Kerala's delicate ecosystem. By learning more about the amphibians of Kerala and supporting efforts to protect them, we can help ensure that these amazing creatures continue to thrive for generations to come.
5/309 Chelattu building, Alinchuvadu, Pindimana p.o, Kothamangalam, Ernakulam dist, 686691
+91 82812 19129